PUMA 于1948年成立于 德国荷索金劳勒(Herzogenaurach),PUMA 中文作彪马,意为美洲狮,德国一家以生产鞋与运动服为主的大型跨国公司。 创始人:鲁道夫·达斯勒(Rudolf Dassler)。
现今已有57年历史的运动服装品牌,在世界范围内具有第一线的号召力和影响力。 PUMA五十年来的历史一页页写在伟大的运动成就上。PUMA陪伴球王比利进军世足冠军决赛、陪伴网球好手贝克在温布敦的草地称雄。与最顶尖的运动员合作并不断追求最新的技术制作最佳的运动配备。创办人鲁道夫·达斯乐在1948年建立了PUMA这个德国品牌,数十年来PUMA一直在运动界位居要角,近几年来更成功的结合流行/运动,跃升为年轻人最爱品牌之一。
Document request list for S.A.F.E. Audit
1. Business License/ Business Permit/ Tax Registration 营业执照/税务登记证
2. Company Profile/ organization chart/ Factory floor Layout 公司简介/ 组织架构图/ 工厂平面图
3. Company Policy / Rules and Regulations/ employee handbook 公司政策/ 厂规厂纪/ 员工手册
4. Inspection report or permit on fire safety or building structural quality 工厂消防验收报告/ 厂房建筑质量验收报告
5. Inspection report permit on including dormitory.
6. Inspection report or permit on environmental or waste disposal plants 环保审批报告/批文,污水处理设备批文
7. Inspection report or permit on specialized equipment including boilers, elevators, forklifts, etc. 特种设备(电梯/锅炉)年批文
8. qualification or license of electrician, elevator operator, welding worker, etc
9. License of company nurse/doctor
10.Fire Drill Record (program/meeting minutes/ guidelines, photos, evacuation drill, use of fire extinguishers/ hose, )
11.Organization of Health and Safety Committee
12.Meeting minutes/activities of Meetings of Safety Committee
13.First Aider Training Certificate/records
14.Accident reporting procedures, injury /illness Report/record
15.Sanitary/hygiene Permit for factory kitchen/canteen
16.Health Certificate of Kitchen workers
17.Potability test for drinking water
18.Waste Water Analysis report
19.testing report on Air quality at work place
20.Noise level testing report at work place
21.Minimum Wage Order issued by local labor government
22.Wages policy and structure for all employees and workers
23.Payroll Record for all employees and workers ( latest 12 months)
24.Time Records (latest 12 months)
25.Sample Pay slips or voucher.
26.Employment records/ personnel files for all workers.
27.Payment receipts for annual leave, maternity leave, public holidays, social insurance, etc.
28.Piece Wage computation records
29.Daily Broken Needle Report/ record